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Monday, December 21, 2015

Proof That The Human Body Is A Projection Of Consciousness

by Brandon West,
Waking Times

In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible?

Human Thought Determines Reality

One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. Early in the 1900’s they proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt with an experiment called the double slit experiment. They found that the determining factor of the behavior of energy (‘particles’) at the quantum level is the awareness of the observer.

For example: electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles, and then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. Whatever the observed believed would occur is what the quantum field did.

The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. That is why quantum physicists have such difficulties in dealing with, explaining, and defining the quantum world. We are truly, in every sense of the word, masters of creation because we decide what manifests out of the field of all-possibility and into form.

The thing is, the quantum level of reality isn’t a local and insignificant aspect of creation. It is all around us, and it is the most fundamental level of creation aside from the unified field itself. The human energy field is interacting and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times and the energy of our beliefs and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined by the energy of our thoughts and emotions.

Thus the fusion of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions, which I will call the human energy field for simplicity’s sake, is perpetually informing the quantum reality within us and around us at each moment of our existence.

And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form, and the pure energy state of the field, our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence informs the field what to reappear as when it makes its transition back to form at the quantum level.

Therefore each time we oscillate into formlessness, we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment, and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling.

A dramatic example of this is the case of Vittorio Michelli. In 1962 he was admitted to the Military Hospital of Verona, Italy with a large tumor on his left hip. The doctors knew that they could not help him, so his case was deemed hopeless and he was sent home without treatment, and after about 10 months his left hip bone had completely disintegrated. As a last resort, he traveled to Lourdes, France and bathed himself in the spring there (which is a Christian holy site famous for producing miracles).

Immediately he started feeling better, he regained his appetite, and bathed himself in the spring a few more times before he left. After a few months of being home he felt such a powerful sense of well-being that he urged the doctors to x-ray him again, and they were astonished to find that his tumor had shrunk. Over the next several months they kept a close watch on him, and his X-rays showed that his tumor kept on shrinking, until it was gone. And once his tumor disappeared, his hipbone started regenerating.

After two months he was walking again, and several years later his hip bone had completely regenerated. The Vatican’s Medical Commission, in their official report said:

“A remarkable reconstruction of the iliac bone and cavity has taken place. The X-rays made in 1964, 1965, 1968, and 1969 confirm categorically and without doubt that an unforeseen and even overwhelming bone reconstruction has taken place of a type unknown in the annals of world medicine.” (The Holographic Universe, p.107)

Ordinarily this would be deemed miraculous, and indeed it truly is. But I find this miraculous in the sense of the true power of human intention and belief that it displays. Moreover, this is powerful evidence that suggests that there is an energetic structure which our ‘material bodies’ align with, because that is one of the only logical explanations for how Vittorio Michelli’s hip bone knew exactly which shape to grow back into unless there was some sort of energetic blueprint which was instructing its growth, which as the Vatican’s Medical Commission clearly stated, was “unknown in the annals of world medicine.”

In medicine, maybe this was unknown, but the same cannot be said for physics. At the atomic level atoms bond with one another to form molecules which have specific geometric structures as if there is an energetic blueprint which they are adhering to which dictates the shapes they maintain together.

If our bodies are a projection of consciousness, then our consciousness would create an energetic blueprint which our atoms and molecules align with to create our bodies. There is highly suggestive evidence of the existence of this energetic blueprint (or human energy field) in the new research on DNA which proves that it transmits, receives, and thus reads energy directly from the field.

Michelli’s case is a perfect example of our human ability to re-organize that vacuum structure with our energy and intentions, and thus manifest what we desire directly out of the field for truly miraculous results. The fact that he started to feel better and started to believe that he was healed is, I suggest, the key to his healing.

Some may want to stick with the belief that God healed this man, and I would agree to you. But you and I would probably disagree on the nature of this God. For I contend that you are god, as are we all, because the force we call God is the energy and infinite consciousness behind creation, and thus when we tap into ourselves as pure consciousness, i.e. without thought through meditation, then we open ourselves to the infinitude of our own awareness because we inseparably are that infinite creative consciousness. We are it and it is us.


And when we open up to that energy, we allow ourselves to be flooded with a “powerful sense of well-being” and knowing which has astounding power to create reality, and directly affects our biology.

The Body as a Projection of Consciousness

I want you to really internalize the understanding that reality is flashing in and out of form. This is absolutely crucial in understanding our ability to heal, because if half of the time we are formless, then (1) Who are we really, because obviously our bodies and the material world is illusory to a degree; and (2) What is the blueprint which is guiding the rearrangement of our bodies each time we quite literally re-materialize?

The answer to both questions would be consciousness. Our bodies are a holographic projection of our consciousness, and they are the sum total of our beliefs about ourselves. If we can change our beliefs about ourselves, and thus if we can change the energy that defines our human energy field, then we can change the energetic blueprint which our body aligns with as it re-materializes back into form 1044 times per second.

(The exact structure and dynamics of our consciousness which make us both a fractal and holographic expression of this infinite God-consciousness can be found in Nassim Haramein’s Holofractographic Universe theory, and in his work Crossing the Event Horizon.) 

Deepak Chopra told a story that illustrates this perfectly in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his injured his foot while working out in a gym because he was unaccustomed to using one of the machines and strained it. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk, so upon “medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis, in which the connecting tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn.” (How to Know God, p.221)

His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that he sought out a Chinese Healer in desperation. This Chinese man was ordinary by appearance, and gave “no evidence of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing.” The injured friend of Deepak Chopra continues:

“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk.”

He continues:

“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (How to Know God, p.222)

This story has fascinated and inspired me ever since I heard it. As we have seen, reality is flashing in and out of existence innumerable times every second, oscillating between form and formlessness, and quantum physics knows that our thoughts and beliefs influence the quantum reality which is the source of the material world. Therefore it is only natural to assume an energetic and formless source for all of creation, including our physicality.

I think it is absolutely clear that we must start to consider ourselves as more than a physical body. In truth it is much more coherent to think of ourselves as a luminous energy field organizing ourselves in a body, or as pure consciousness manifesting and temporarily experiencing this level of reality through our bodies. New evidence is clearly illustrating that our mind is non-local and is independent of the brain, which means it doesn’t need the brain, or the body for that matter, to exist.[1]


We are so much more than we think we are, and infinitely more than we have been lead to believe. The next step that we have to take, moreover, the next step in our human evolution now involves us learning how to use and hone this power we have to influence reality and literally manifest anything we want directly out of the field, from a new hip, to perhaps better eyesight, or a fit and healthy body, all the way to a new life.

But how is this done? 

Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body

To heal, all that we need to do is purify our energy so that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is no energetic interference to disrupt the image of our body as projected by our consciousness.

We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, for, when we are not thinking, we are also free of beliefs and expectations. And by doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.

The first step is to consider the possibility that we are not only energy, but that there is infinite energy all around us which we can consciously tap into to promote healing in our body and mind, to become a more happy, healthy, vibrant and creative being. As soon as you start to connect to the infinite energy of creation and your own true nature as formless energy, then you start to become aware of these energies in your body which returns the projection of your body to its natural state.

The projection of your body can only be disrupted by a disturbance in your energy field – your consciousness – caused by unbalanced thoughts and emotions, and limiting beliefs. Our luminous energy field is naturally vibrant, and our energy naturally flows unhindered as a powerful stream of consciousness, but the lower levels of consciousness, which we have been conditioned to live in as part of our social indoctrination, disrupt this flow which if left unhindered would express its perfection everywhere.

Another key concept to understand is that your body is always regenerating. In a talk of Deepak Chopra’s that I listened to, he pointed out that atoms do not age. They do not die, and the same atoms that existed at the big bang around 14 billion years ago exist to this day, some of which are even within you.

Every year 98% of the atoms in your body are exchanged for ‘new’ atoms. You are constantly dying, and being reborn, and literally transforming at the atomic and molecular levels. Every three days you have a new stomach lining, every month you have new skin, every three months you have a new skeleton. And every year you have almost an entirely new body (Deepak Chopra from Living Beyond Miracles with Wayne Dyer).

Deepak Chopra described it beautifully by saying that our atoms “are like migrating birds”. They are not permanent, they are completely independent, and are drifting through space and time and merely being organized into structures such as our bodies by none other than our energy field which organizes them as a magnetic field organizes metal filings, only slightly more complex.

What more proof do we need in order to start looking at our bodies differently, and in general looking at the mechanism of health itself in a new light?

None of the raw materials that form your physical body age, moreover, they are constantly changing. Therefore I ask this of you. Is it really you that is changing? And what is the force that organizes these atoms and molecules back where they are supposed to be, and makes sure that they perfectly and harmoniously continue to do their jobs even while your cells and atoms are migrating by the billions?

Your body is not the real you. Your body is merely a projection of what you believe yourself to be. If you could discover that you are pure consciousness, and that who you really are is an infinite creative awareness that is manifesting reality and co-creating reality with other aspects of yourself (because every being is an expression of the infinite universal consciousness we have labelled as God), then you can start to take complete control over your body, your health, and your life.

Chronic pain, disease, illness, or the old injuries that you have in your body are not actually in your body, they are in your mind. More specifically, they are a function of your perception. Your atoms are always changing, and your molecules are too, but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed, and as you flash in and out of existence, your energetic field is telling them where to go, what to do, and how to align with one another.

Therefore, you are holding disease, illness, pain, and injuries within your consciousness, and thus, they are imprinted in your energetic field, and only then do they proceed to manifest in your physiology.

If this is the case, then not only is our health completely under our willful control, but the rate at which we age may even be under our control as well. Now I am not suggesting that we can be immortal, because we already are as infinite beings of consciousness. What I am suggesting is that in a time long forgotten, and in the near future, human beings have had and will realize again the ability to live from this field, and live consciously from their nature as luminous beings of pure energy.

At that time human beings will realize that the body is a manifestation of our highest self, and we can not only consciously manifest anything in life, but anything in our bodies as well. And one day we will reach a point where we can continually regenerate our bodies at will because we live from the field of infinite energy, and thus our bodies simply operate at a higher frequency so that we can live in them until our work is completed and we choose to move on.

Fantastic? Yes. But these changes are noticeable within the human body and mind even after a little bit of practice and training, so decide to feel and experience it for yourself, and learn how to meditate. This is what evidence is clearly suggesting and my own experience also indicates to be true. The only hindrance to tapping into this nature of the universe is your own conscious awareness, your level of attention, and your beliefs.

Our ability to heal is directly related to our level of attention and our level of belief. For example we can heal ourselves of any affliction, illness, disease, or injury that is possible so long as we have absolute certainty, a knowing, that we will be healed. This is directly achieved by accessing the most fundamental level of reality through deep meditation.


This is because at the fundamental level of reality, anything is possible, and the restructuring of reality is dictated entirely by our beliefs and expectations. We are pure energy, and there is infinite potential in that energy. It is entirely up to us what we choose to manifest out of the field in our lives and in our bodies.

You have no limitations, and nothing is impossible. It is only your beliefs which dictate what you can and cannot do.

“Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.” – St. Augustine

About the Author: 

Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.


[1] Exploring the Nature of Mind and our Holographic Brain, from


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Life After Death Is Real, Concludes Scientific Study Of 2,000 Patients

bodymindsoulspirit | September 17, 2015
by David Gutierrez,

In the largest such study ever conducted, researchers have found evidence that consciousness continues even after brain activity has ceased. This evidence of life after death came from a study led by researchers from the University of Southampton and published in the journal Resuscitation.

“Contrary to perception, death is not a specific moment but a potentially reversible process that occurs after any severe illness or accident causes the heart, lungs and brain to cease functioning,” lead researcher Dr. Sam Parnia said. “If attempts are made to reverse this process, it is referred to as ‘cardiac arrest'; however, if these attempts do not succeed it is called ‘death.’ ”

Nearly 40 percent of those interviewed recalled experiencing some form of awareness after cardiac arrest (being pronounced clinically dead).
Wide diversity of near-death experiences

The AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study sought to use the scientific method to investigate the experiences typically described by the imprecise termsnear-death experience (NDE) and out-of-body experience (OBE). Researchers interviewed 2,060 patients who had survived cardiac arrest from 15 hospitals across Austria, the United Kingdom and the United States.

“In this study we wanted to go beyond the emotionally charged yet poorly defined term of NDEs to explore objectively what happens when we die,” Dr. Parnia said.

The researchers found that 39 percent of cardiac arrest survivors interviewed described a sense that they had been “aware” following cardiac arrest. But many had no specific memories associated with the perception.

“This suggests more people may have mental activity initially but then lose their memories after recovery, either due to the effects of brain injury or sedative drugs on memory recall,” Dr. Parnia said.

Of those who reported a perception of awareness, only 2 percent described an experience consistent with the popular idea of an OBE, such as seeing or hearing events taking place around their bodies. Nine percent reported experiences consistent with the popular idea of an NDE, such as feelings of warmth or the presence of a light. Forty-six percent, however, reported experiences that were not consistent with either an OBE or an NDE, including fearful or persecutory experiences.

Clinical confirmation of out-of-body experience

Perhaps the study’s most significant finding was what may be the first-ever clinical confirmation of an OBE. In this case, a 57-year-old social worker accurately reported things that were happening around him after his brain activity had ceased.

“This is significant, since it has often been assumed that experiences in relation to death are likely hallucinations or illusions,” said Dr. Parnia said, “occurring either before the heart stops or after the heart has been successfully restarted, but not an experience corresponding with ‘real’ events when the heart isn’t beating.

“In this case, consciousness and awareness appeared to occur during a three-minute period when there was no heartbeat. This is paradoxical, since the brain typically ceases functioning within 20-30 seconds of the heart stopping and doesn’t resume again until the heart has been restarted. Furthermore, the detailed recollections of visual awareness in this case were consistent with verified events.”

The man’s memories were not only accurate but even helped the researchers place his experience in time.

“The man described everything that had happened in the room, but importantly, he heard two bleeps from a machine that makes a noise at three minute intervals. So we could time how long the [experience] lasted for,” Dr. Parnia said.

“He seemed very credible and everything that he said had happened to him had actually happened.”

“The researchers are to be congratulated on the completion of a fascinating study that will open the door to more extensive research into what happens when we die,” wrote Dr. Jerry Nolan, editor-in-chief of Resuscitation.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

Strange things are happening in both outer and inner space. Scientists are discovering that the Solar System, the sun, and life itself are mutating in totally unprecedented ways. They are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. Studies show that the Sun and the planets themselves are physically changing at an accelerated pace. Most notably, they are undergoing major changes in their atmospheres.

Let's begin with the Sun. The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive.

We know that the Sun's magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years. There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories, in California. Dr. Lockwood has been investigating the Sun, and reports that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 130 percent.

Moon: Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere . Around the moon, there is this 6,000- kilometre- deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field.

Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 40 years.

Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps.

Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds.(Huge belts in the giant planet's atmosphere have changed color, radiation hotspots have faded and flared up again, and cloud levels have thickened and dissolved, all while space rocks have been hurtling into it the gas giant.)

Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~30 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator.

Uranus: Big changes in brightness, increased global cloud activity (This planet used to have a very calm atmosphere.)

Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness.

Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun.

Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes. Earth's Axis has changed.

On Earth, the overall volcanic activity increased 500 percent from 1875 to 1975, while the earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent since 1973. Dr. Dmitriev says that comparing the years 1963 to 1993, the overall number of natural disasters — hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, etc. — has increased by 410 percent.

The Earth's magnetic field has been decreasing. This decrease actually began 2000 years ago, but the rate of decrease suddenly became much more rapid 500 years ago. Now, in the last 20 years or so, the magnetic field has become erratic.

A doubling of the Sun's coronal magnetic field during the past 100 years

The Sun is more active now than over the last 8000 years

Solar Influence on Global and Regional Climates

Russian Scientist Says Planets' Atmospheres are Changing

Music credit: YouTube Audio Library

1) It's Coming - Josh Kirsch & Media Right Productions

2) The Island - Soundtrack - My Name is Linkoln on Tyros4

You Tube channel "Telmo Gama"

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Beyond One Space-Time Continuum: Logic and Imagination

July 16, 2015

Logic applies to the physical universe.

It applies to statements made about that universe. It applies to factual language.

Many wonderful things can be done with logic. Don’t leave home without it. Don’t analyze information without it. Don’t endure an education without it.

But art and imagination are of another universe(s). They can deploy logic, but they can also invent in any direction without limit, and they can embrace contradiction. They can build worlds in which space and time and energy are quite different.

Magic is nothing more and nothing less than imagination superseding this universe. Magic occurs when imagination takes this reality for a ride.

Which brings us to what I call the Is People. The Is People are dedicated with a fervor to insisting that this Continuum and this consensus reality are inviolable, are the end-all and be-all.

They strive to fit themselves into Is, and this eventually has some interesting negative consequences. They come to resemble solid matter. They take on the character of matter.

For them, imagination is at least a misdemeanor, if not a felony. It’s a blow to the Is of Is. They tend to view imagination as a form of mental disorder.

Technocrats like to gibber about imagination as if it’s nothing more than just another closed system that hasn’t been mapped yet. But they’re sure it will be, and when that happens, people will apparently give up creating and opt for living in a way that more closely resembles machines.

There are many people who secretly wish they were machines that functioned automatically and without flaws. It’s their wet dream.

Magic eventually comes to the conclusion that imagination creates reality. Any reality. And therefore, one universe, indivisible, is an illusion, a way of trapping Self.

What began as the physical universe, a brilliant work of art, ends up as a psychic straitjacket, a mental ward in which the inmates strive for normalcy. Those who fail at even this are labeled and shunted into a special section of the ward.

But the result of imagination, if pursued and deployed long enough and intensely enough, is:

Consensus reality begins to organize itself around you, rather than you organizing yourself around it.

There are various names and labels used to describe this state of affairs, but none of them catches the sensation of it.

Magic is one of those labels.

What I’m describing here isn’t some snap-of-the-fingers trick of manifestation; it’s a life lived.

The old alchemists were working in this area. They were striving for the transformation of consciousness. In true alchemy, one’s past, one’s experience, one’s conflicts all become fuel for the fire of creating new realities. Taken along certain lines, this is called art.

One universe, one logic, one Continuum, one role in that Continuum, one all-embracing commitment to that role, one avenue of perception, one Is…this is the delusion.

And eventually, the delusion gives birth to a dedication to what “everyone else” thinks and supposes and assumes and accepts. This is slavery.

Freeing one’s self, living through and by imagination, is not a mass movement. It’s a choice taken by one person. It’s a new and unique road for each person.

Societies and civilizations are organized around some concept of the common good. The concept always deteriorates, and this is because it is employed to lower the ceiling on individual power rather than raise it.

“Be less than you are, then we can all come together in a common cause.”

It’s essentially a doctrine of sacrifice—everyone sacrifices to everyone else, and the result is a coagulated mass of denial of Self.

It is a theme promoted under a number of guises by men who have one thing in mind: control.

It’s a dictatorship of the soul. It has always existed.

Breaking out of it involves reasserting the power of imagination to invent new and novel realities.

Under a variety of names, this is art.

Promoting the image of the artist as a suffering victim is simply one more way to impose the doctrine of sacrifice.

In 1961, when I began writing and painting in earnest, I had a conversation with the extraordinary healer, Richard Jenkins, whom I write about in my book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies(included in Exit From The Matrix). This is my note from that time about what Richard told me:

“Paint what you want to, no matter what anyone else says. You may not always know what you want to create, but that’s good. Keep working, keep painting. You’ll find your way. You’ll invent something new, something unique, if you don’t give in. You’ll see everything in a new light. Reality is a bad joke. It’s nothing more than what everyone assents to, because they’re afraid. They’re afraid of what people will say. They’re afraid they have far more power than they want to discover. They’re afraid that power will lead them away from common and ordinary beliefs. They’re afraid they’ll become a target for the masses who have surrendered their own lives and don’t want to be reminded of it. They afraid they’ll find out something tremendous about themselves…”

Nothing I’ve experienced in the 50 years since then has diminished what Richard said to me.

These fears are all illusions that disintegrate when a person shoves in his chips on imagination and makes that bet and lives it.

Here are several notes from the years 1999-2010, while I was preparing my collection, The Matrix Revealed. They take up the subject of reality-construction, mind control, mind freedom, and creative power.

“You have to understand that there are dimensions. In the dimension we call the world, a person needs logic. He needs it badly. He needs to be able to analyze and take apart things and put them back together again. He needs to identify flaws in reasoning and discover deceptions. He needs to recognize formal arguments and trace them all the way through from assumptions to conclusions. But in the dimension where creative power operates, where things happen that most certainly impact this world, all bets are off. He needs to understand and experience and launch a kind of vast freedom for his own imagination that takes him entirely out of the realm of being a normal person, a provincial “realist,” a mechanically thinking human. He has to go light-years past that. He has to stop pretending he is some kind of scientist. In other words, he has to stop burying his own creative power. Two dimensions, two capabilities.”

“Mind control, brainwashing, programming, conditioning all refer to the imposition of systems on the human creative impulse. When you have a whole civilization that, more and more, consists of systems, you have an effort to replace the individual with the group, with the machine.”

“At the highest level, elites are in the business of inventing reality for everyone else. This is more than lying. It’s the wholesale invention of a continuum. Past, present, and future.”

“Imagination is the opposite of mind control. It is creating beyond the boundaries of accepted reality. It is more than perception. Imagination expands perception.”

“Elites are perverse artists who invent reality for everyone else. Part of the plan is convincing everyone else that they can’t invent their own far-reaching reality.”

“Most people define freedom as liberation from certain externally imposed restrictions. But freedom goes much farther than that. It goes beyond how individuals ordinarily define their own existence, their own concerns, their own habits. A person’s own definitions are self-imposed limits. These limits = everything a person does and thinks that excludes imagination.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emailshere or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

Jul 12, 2015

These are big subjects and well worth investigation. Knowing the mechanics of the matrix we find ourselves in is extremely empowering and liberating. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.”

Think about that one for a minute.

I find that profoundly true. The truly awake and aware are so intensely conscious of their thoughts and impulses and the information coming at them that they question everything. And so it should be. We’re in a massively manipulated world by forces many of which are beyond our comprehension. Knowledge-wise we grasp much of what is at play. Experientially we understand even more.

But intuitively we can really round out the picture. This is, if we dare to listen to our hearts and tune into the vast Universal storehouse of true information.

This inherent knowledge of the manipulated world around us is our greatest defense as well as weapon of recourse. Anyone who’s truly woken up finds that out in a hurry.

There are very interesting dynamics at play on this shifting playing field we’re each encountering. Clearly the manipulators of control attempt to hide and disguise these techniques and occult realities, but as we become aware of them it’s also important to not only expose them, but to fully understand them in order to help end the madness these psychopathic tyrants are exacting on humanity.

The Revelation of the Method

This is a fascinating concept. One that is revelatory yet potentially disturbing in some ways. The basic question is this:

1. Does humanity literally give its permission for controlling forces to perpetrate what they do by being told in some form what is being, or about to be done to it? Even if it’s disguised from their conscious awareness in esoteric and occult messages?

2. Or are they simply being pre-programmed to accept what is about to unfold?

Or both?

There are two main levels from which to perceive this concept. The first is that preconditioning is simply a method to get the subjects to accept the agendas being implemented. The other is, without our explicit or even implied agreeance, these things cannot take place.

While they work in concert and both beg humanity’s compliance, those dynamics are powerfully different. Both require human awareness at different levels, yet the second more esoteric notion implies a sort of restrictive code whereby without agreeance any such takeover plan apparently would not be “allowed” to succeed.

Let me just say for starters that I’m not so sure about that second one. It smacks of external reliance and everything that has distracted humanity from waking up in the first place. Just ask the innocent victims in Gaza and an entire world experiencing massive oppression and degradation. If permission was needed and there was some “galactic code of conduct”, we would have seen it from the get go.

Maybe it’s time to get real about the conditions on our planet and stop over-spiritualizing reality away. It’s time to demystify what is clearly more layers of manipulative energy extraction, rather than be dazzled by some kind of esoteric code. All of these tactics, to whatever extent they’re real and influence us, need to be kept in a conscious perspective.

Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

Either way, as Robert Livingstone said,

“The preparation of humanity for the New Age involves psychological and physical warfare in the form of spectacular crimes and events that, filtered through the IIluminised media, have a ritual occult and initiatory effect on the populace.”

Here’s a short explanation of the first definition:

“Revelation of the method is basically an occult truth that more of an ‘effect’ can be garnered from an event if that event is made aware to the person who you plan on affecting before it happens, usually at a subconscious level. The subconscious mind can actually pick up on imperceptible elements to the conscious mind that hint at future plans. In this way it is possible to sow acceptance through subconscious exposure to numbers and symbols as presented in the media. 9/11 is the perfect example as it was featured in may different shows before it happened to plant the seed subconsciously, and the intended effects of 9/11 (social change) cannot be denied.” Source

Very interesting, and at the least that aspect is very, very true. One sure thing to be wary of is being played. Here’s another very deep aspect of this phenomenon:

Researcher Michael Hoffman defines “twilight language” as follows in his Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare: “The path to unlocking this gnosis was centered in “twilight language,” a once nearly universal subliminal communication system used in Egypt, Babylon, the Indian subcontinent and among the Aztecs, consisting of a combination of numbers, archetypal words and symbols, which in our time are sometimes embedded in modern advertising, and in certain modern films and music….

“Ritual is obsession in motion. Obsessive people are walking rituals and what they attract “coincidentally,” aids to their obsessions. If this is done consciously and the obsession happens to coordinate with the trend and tendency of the time, a lot more “coincidental” magnification will be forthcoming. Coincidence can be summoned. It is a matter of attention and timing. First you must be aware of – believing in and observing – the mechanism of coincidence when it agrees with your work, then you coordinate what you’re working on with what you were predestined to do. When you start to see the pattern of coincidence and it becomes a language for you, you have either become an initiate or a schizophrenic, take your pick, because you lose the protection of materialism – our own protection against the disordering of the arrangement we’ve given to the world to make it manageable.” (Ibid., 130)

Very interesting insights, and clearly something that has been enacted upon humanity for a long, long time.

Is There A Universal Code They’re Bound To?

Is there something even deeper involved working at the same time? Is it a universal precept of some sort they must conform to? I don’t know. I’ve run across this dynamic for many years. It may speak to some people, especially those who’ve dared to delve into the bowels of trying to ascertain an esoteric understanding of this temporal reality in which we’re embroiled.

The Universe is after all orderly in its own dynamic yet seemingly chaotic way. There are mechanisms at work according to apparent guidelines or patterns such as fractal geometry as well as some sort of a fundamentally plasmic-magnetic vibrational nature. We’re still learning.

But why can’t that apply to morals and existential behavioral aspects of even the free willed agents spawned by our amazing Source? Aren’t we growing and learning and evolving to different and often higher levels of realization?

A concept very much worth our consideration in the grand, as well as immediate, scheme of things. It portends to be a source of empowerment. Yet the profound underlying inescapable reality most do not want to face is that humanity is in no way off the hook as to its response, whatever the underlying “reality” of forces at work. Consciousness and free will attest to this.

A Prime Directive?

Here’s a quick explanation on the Prime Directive :

Direct intervention with people on primitive and spiritually evolving planets, Earth being a good example, is not allowed. Other beings are permitted only to observe emerging civilizations. A long-standing edict prohibits the unauthorized or forcible colonization of planets. However, in some cases, benevolent EBEs have chosen to intervene in certain affairs in order to ensure the longevity of an observed planet and civilization. Although the EBEs seem to have no interest in conquering Earth, or in controlling the population of this planet, it does serve their interests to ensure that the resources of Earth are not destroyed or spoiled. To that end, certain EBEs have been sent to Earth on reconnaissance missions from time to time to gather information.

Fair enough. But is it true? Or is it just another way of putting off our response?

That there are “more worlds than meet the eye” I am certain. However some sort of code of non-interference, if there would be one, clearly is not being adhered to as evidenced by the invasive species of whatever origin, homegrown or alien empowered, that are in the last stages of hijacking our planet. I know there’s a lot of channeled and otherwise received information in the webosphere claiming knowledge of galactic civilizations and their intentions, but I’m going to somewhat lay that aside here.

Let me just say that such a concept of some sort of galactic code defies free will and would ultimately “outlaw” any and all rogue elements, just as we see acting in wanton diabolical ways in front of our faces every day. It may apply to some more advanced civilizations in some form, but we’re sure not seeing it on this planet. But I digress.

My point here has to do with our responsibility as a race to wake up and respond to what’s happening to us and not lay back and wait for some far away cavalry to arrive and save humanity. That ploy has been successfully used for eons by debilitating religions and belief systems and is largely responsible for the mess our planet is in today. With that way of thinking just about anything or anyone can waltz in strutting some super powers and pull a few magic tricks and voilá – the pre-programmed, debilitated masses will jump for it, as has happened throughout history and we’re apparently being set up for right now.

Prophecy, Prediction or Causation?

There’s a lot of esoteric information regarding these very important topics. Prophecy alone has had incredibly profound effects on the followers of religious teachings, as have the works of seers such as Nostradamus or other psychics. Within the dark occult world you’ll find a plethora of mechanisms to “divine” knowledge of the future, but even more on how to attempt to direct events to bring on those desired by the ill-intentioned.

The blurry bleedover and progression from prophecy – to prediction – to actual causation is what needs to be noted.

Social engineering is a vast, even scientific, phenomenon. That humanity has been steered and manipulated and literally harvested for eons by self-serving controllers is a historical fact. Whether for its manpower or psychic and spiritual energy, the vast majority of humankind has been corralled and drained by vampiric parasites throughout the ages.

Is that repeating cycle coming to a close? The answer is up to us, which unfortunately is not something anyone waiting for a savior or galactic rescue squad wants to hear.

Predictive Programming and Playing on Archetypes

And how do they keep us compliant? There’s a host of methods as anyone reading this is no doubt aware. But the deeper psychological methods are important to understand. Carl Jung identified archetypes as collectively inherited unconscious ideas or patterns of thought. Assuming these to be real to whatever extent, you can see why social engineers would have a field day playing on such shared tendencies.

Which they do.

This is what the whole field of psychology is about. Not always to interfere in a negative way, but we all know there are those who weaponize everything they can get their hands on, and mind manipulation is one of their favorite tools.

Predictive programming is another vector of assault. It’s very subtle as it is usually cloaked in science fiction and ornately wrapped in the glittery garb of stimulating entertainment. It’s become a fascination for people to witness totalitarian and dystopian futures and watch the end of the world brought on by everything from plagues, global warming or an ice age, to meteor impacts and alien invasions.

This is programming. Familiarizing the target audience with potential outcomes in a milieu that serves their purpose. One of fear and fatalistic acceptance. It’s nothing but conditioning disguised as entertainment.

That entire industry is controlled by the same manipulators, steering mankind by the nose in any direction they want. The sheer bombardment of mind-numbing genres of soul polluting films and TV shows from vampire and slasher flicks, war and police glorification memes, to end of the world scenarios is beyond overwhelming.

For the unwary.

On top of this the news media continually pump out assumptive information directing the audience towards their desired conclusions. Their carefully scripted narrative is obvious to the discerning eye, not only in the news but it runs through every facet of society from media to schooling to even the products people consume, right up to and including which toys children are to play with.

The point is we’re being programmed for a desired future. Not one we desire, one they desire. The more blindly familiar people are with their intended result the more quickly and easily it will be adopted. The world facing a major cataclysm of some sort, a favorite theme, gives the climate change fear program and world economic “solution” tremendous impetus, for example. The world needing a savior mentality greases the idea of some sort of new world governance to save the day, no doubt with some charismatic leader eventually at the helm.

That may be a bit oversimplified but that’s how it works.

Conscious Permission? Or Cowardly Acquiescence

This is where the rubber meets the road. Whether programmed in whatever fashion or not, we are free agents. Try as they will with occult practices or social and media manipulation, the sanctity of the human spirit cannot be violated.

Unless we allow it.

Any way you look at this issue, the power is ours. We are the control center, not the self-ordained psychopathic rulers or whatever influences we’re being bombarded by. We each individually have the controls.

Understanding how they work via the media, entertainment, occult practices and outright admissions is intrinsic to our awakening to the empowerment available to us. To just lay down and take it for any reason, engineered or so-called “ordained” or not, is tantamount to suicide and ultimately genocide and a complete takever.

That we have so much enlightening information and connectivity at our disposal is unheard of in human history. Let’s have the courage to utilize it and activate our lives accordingly.

Your future and that of humanity and our planet depend on it.

The savior lies within each one of us.

“Rise like lions after slumber!”

Much love, Zen

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beyond Quantum Physics - Some Things Science Needs to Grasp

Quantum physics is not something an ordinary person learns in a day - most people don't have the patience to learn the equations, the evidence, or the mathematics to grasp this complex science.

  • Does it have to be that complex?
  • Why are we giving up as soon as we just hear the word "Quantum physics" or "Quantum mechanics?"
It's because we have been taught that we are too dumb to learn it - only 'highly' intelligent people with their IQ off the chart have the ability to learn it.

Nonsense! If we want to learn how certain scientists came to their conclusion, we may have to learn the complex mathematics behind it, but that's not what we want to do anyway.
We want to know what quantum physics and quantum mechanics are, and how they work, right?
The question is:
do we need to learn it?
I would say we do - at least the basics of it, and I am going to give you the basics right now.
In The First Level of Learning, I began rather rudely by explaining the "Working Model" of the "Life Physics Group-California's" (LPG-C) Quantum physics and Subquantum physics. I wanted to show that if I explained it on a layman's level, people would notice that they can understand it, and encouraged, they would continue reading.
I was right because I've had many success stories from people who have said that for the first time they have been able to grasp such constructs, and now an entirely new world is opening up for them.

I love to hear things such as that! However, now I need to tell the proud reader that the LPG-C's science is not necessarily the best on the market. Is it working, as they say? Maybe, but I don't completely agree with their concept.
They are basing their hypotheses on a universe with the number 7 as a base, while I believe a hypotheses with the number 12 as a base works better for our particular universe. The reader probably noticed that in Level II.

Despite these different opinions, there are still things that are common between the 7 base and 12 base science - even if we count in mainstream scientists' "Standard model."
I want to explain once and for all, for everybody who wants to listen, how Quantum physics works in its essence - without any models or different opinions. Simply - this is how it works!
It will be very simplified, but only simplified enough to be useful.

First, old science thought that it was matter that created consciousness.
This means that intelligent life is made from a sperm and an egg. A baby is growing, either in the egg itself, or in the womb of the mammal. At first, it's just matter without consciousness, but as the brain starts developing, consciousness is added - bit by bit. When the baby is born, the brain where consciousness is supposedly seated is hopefully fully developed.
We have an infant, created by matter and with consciousness added - i.e. matter creates consciousness.

Not until very recently have mainstream scientists started thinking that this is wrong. In fact, it's the other way around - it's consciousness that creates matter. Most scientists today are embracing Quantum theory in some regard, which this is - something that Albert Einstein already knew existed, but he called it "weird stuff."

Not only that - Quantum scientists claim that the physical universe actually doesn't exist! By now, I've lost most people who haven't read about Quantum physics before - understandably so.
Hang on, though - I'll explain.

Regular people who hear this probably say that it's not true because they can see the physical universe right in front of them - they can touch the table, and it's solid. They can see the Sun, and it's there. They can smell the flowers, and the smell is there. They can hear the birds because the birds are there, and they are solid. They can taste the food, and it's real.
These are the five senses, which are the cornerstones of the physical universe.
However, what for most people counts as the physical universe is what you can touch - that's the ultimate proof that it exists. Now I'm going to prove that it doesn't!
The bottom line in Quantum physics is that everything that exists is "wave forms." Thus, particles do not exist by themselves, and particles are what builds a chair, a table, a physical universe.

I will give an example of why particles don't exist by themselves. Let's say that person A and person B are facing each other across a table.
Behind person A is a window with trees outside, and behind person B is a road with cars driving by. Person A can't see the window and the trees, and person B can't see the road and the cars because they are both facing in opposite directions.
Therefore, you can say, e.g. that for person A, the window and the trees don't exist because he can't see them - they only exists in wave form. However, if person A quickly turns around, there are the trees! It means that an object does not exist until it's observed!
This is another Quantum physics axiom.

What person A just did was to transform wave forms into matter as soon as he observed what was behind him! However, who transformed it? Was it his body, or was it his consciousness? It was of course his consciousness - the thinking unit, the "I AM." We also call it the soul and sometimes by other names.

At this point, I can usually hear a lot of protests.
The skeptics would say,
"if this were true, everybody would see their own things - we would not all see the same things!"
This is a very good point.
How can I, who never have been to Los Angeles, see the same buildings as someone who's been living there for years? How can we see the same dog running down the street? This must be proof of matter creating consciousness, and not as Quantum physics say, that consciousness creates matter!

Actually not. Now we are touching on the subject of DNA.
We are supposedly, as humans, possessing 12 stands of DNA, but 10 of these strands are dormant and are called "junk DNA" by scientists - they don't seem to have any value.
What remains are 2 strands of DNA, which is allegedly the amount of DNA strands humans operate with. Because of these two strands of DNA, we are living in the physical universe and perceive the same things - we have 5 senses. Depending on how the DNA is constructed (and it's constructed similarly in all humans), we perceive certain things.
These certain things then group together and create a "mass consciousness," which is the consciousness of all living creatures on this Earth. This mass consciousness hangs like a cloud, or a "Grid" around the Earth, containing the physical reality that we perceive together.

Thus, we humans are the ones who are creating our common reality as long as we're in our bodies, and we perceive our existence through our programmed 2 strand DNA.
What we are supposed to see is already pre-determined by the creator gods who created Homo sapiens sapiens - they fused parts of the DNA together to get certain effects, and they added their own DNA to the mix to have their own beingness included in the 3-D "reality."
Double Helix DNA,
or the "Medical Caduceus."

What about the other 10 strands of "junk DNA?"
The late Dr. A.R. Bordon of LPG-C always got upset with me when I started talking about 12 strand DNA - he said it's ridiculous because there are thousands upon thousands strands of DNA in the human body - not only 12!
In fact, he is right, but he was still a scientist, and I am a metaphysicists and a layman. In metaphysics, 12 strand DNA means something else - they correspond with the chakra system.
When we say we have 2 strands connected (more or less), it is the two root chakras, which have to do with survival and sex. The rest are highly suppressed.
Only seven chakras/DNA strands belong to the body, and the remaining 5 are outside the body, stretching out into the Universe.
Most aliens have all, or almost all, of these chakras activated and can therefore enjoy all the different dimensions and densities. However, when they want to mingle with humans, they have problems. They need to force themselves to stay in this reality because humans are stuck here in their Double Helix DNA, while Earth and its life forms would appear more fluid to them.
Thus, the easiest way for them to interact with us is either by channeling, or to somehow get a human body here - by birth or as a Walk-In. Only the human body is constructed in a way that we can enjoy both the physical world and the metaphysical world at once.
However, this ability has been inactivated in the human body (fig. 1 above shows a picture of the Medical Caduceus, which is the symbol used in today's medical field - it's basically two serpents coiling around a staff with Marduk's Flying Sun Disk on top. This is also Lord's ancient symbol for 2 Strand DNA or the Double Helix).

In spite of all this, we are back to the wave forms.
Out there in the Universe, everything is wave forms, and that's why aliens can create whatever they want - a customized universe, solar system just for them, or whatever they want to create. Usually they keep it on a fluid level - not a physical level - and thus they can destroy their creation anytime they want.
Via "thought," or something that seems similar to telepathy, two aliens can communicate with each other and show each other what they have created.
They simply think something and then send these thoughts to another being who the thoughts are meant for. Thereby, two or more aliens can agree to live in the same reality because after "pictures" in thought form (as waves) are sent between them, they have a common universe to live in.
This means that a world such as the one we live in, which becomes solid matter as soon as we observe it, is quite uncommon in the Universe.

If the reader's awareness is high enough you can now comprehend a little better how the real Universe appears - it's only wave forms for you to create from. Therefore, dimensions and densities are endless - only limited by your personal ability to create them and perceive them. This should create a wow! feeling inside the reader if understood.

We can also see how Lord and his scientists created the 3-D solid Earth in which we are stuck through our limited bodies. The Universe we see in the sky is a construct as well. It's not that it doesn't exist, it's just that in reality it's much more fluid and much more alive.
There is no darkness out there, and there are no huge distances between stars and galaxies. With our limited world view, it's almost impossible to imagine the full picture. Not even in our avatars (light bodies) can we see more than a partial fluid universe - not until we pass the Grid will interesting things begin to happen.

Quantum physicists, as David Bohm has said: "out there" is nothing but wave forms that are transferred into sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world.
This is true, as long as we have a brain, but what about when the body and the brain die?
Well, consciousness lives on in a myriad of small "fires" that make up the avatar, and once outside the physical body, these fires can perceive more than they did in the limited physical body, but they still see what's going on in the physical world, which means that the avatar is still transferring wave forms into matter because that's what it is programmed to do.
Thus, I would say that the brain is just a mediator between the physical and the metaphysical, and the transformation from wave forms to particles is done by the "mind," which is part of the avatar - not the brain.
The avatar/mind is hence transferring information via the brain to the physical universe. Metaphysical beings are built by fire and avatar (which consists of several light-bodies), but they don't have a body with a brain as we do - instead, they have the mind doing the bidding directly.

In summary, electrons act both as waves and particles. Not until something is observed does it become a fixed particle in space/time. When an electron is not observed directly, it is always a wave. The word "quantum" in itself means "wave/particle," which is exactly what it is we are all dealing with.

I'm sure many readers want to know how an observer, such as yourself, can transmit a wave form into a particle just by looking at it.
The answer to that question is short and "simple" - no one really knows. It's one of these mysteries that always cloud the scientific field on one level or another, and scientists are, as you read this, curiously looking for the answer to this question.
The easiest way to think of it is to look at the electrons as wave forms of infinite probabilities. Everything you can think of and things that have yet not been thought of exist in these wave forms and can be transferred into particles at anytime.

I think what we humans have the most difficulty understanding is that this gigantic physical universe does not exist as particles but as waves. Only the observer can make it into particles that we can see; therefore, the Universe of particles only exists when we observe them and create the particles we want - potentially. At least that would be the case if we were really allowed to create our own reality and were not programmed into being limited.

Thus, the brain as a mediator, receives information from inside each being, and the eyes are then transmitting this information to what we perceive as the "outside world." Still, the outside world is only a projection of what is inside of us. The outside world does not exist if we don't keep creating it, over and over.

Of course, we know who created all this in the first place, even if the scientists don't. There is still a stretch for scientists to think in terms of "God" or "Goddess." If only mainstream science and metaphysics could blend and work together, quantum leaps would truly become a reality!

The fact that the Universe is a hologram, however, has already been established amongst Quantum physicists.
David Bohm already knew that.
Quote #1:
University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes… that despite its apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.
If the Universe is holographic in nature to begin with, it's relatively easy to imagine how beings in possession of "advanced science" - at least from a human perspective - can alter the hologram so that we humans see it exactly the way these creator gods want it to be perceived.
It's done by manipulating our bodies, which were originally much more "fluid" or "wavy," and making them more solid, but only as long as consciousness inhabits it! Adding alien DNA to our bodies makes it easier for the ETs to access the bodies directly, when needed.

What about enlightenment? New Agers talk about Love & Light and that light carries information. They are correct in this. Then many of them say that darkness does not carry information; therefore, darkness has no information and is not part of enlightenment. They "know" this basically because channeled entities have told them this.
However, very few of them understand what this really means.

If we translate this to what I have discussed with you in my papers, does that mean that Light is bad and Darkness is good because Light seems to be connected with

No, and this is exactly where the misconception lies! It's not that the light we see is "evil" or doesn't transfer information - it does, and it does so in spite of's manipulative system.

The reason why dark matter and dark energy are considered "dark" is because we can't see it. If we look up into the night sky, we see twinkling stars and a few planets. This is when we use our naked eyes. The rest of the night sky is dark. If we use a telescope, we can see a little more of the Universe.
We see more stars but also galaxies, nebulae, and some other things named by scientists. However, the great majority of the space out there is still dark.
This darkness consists of approximately 96% of the Universe, and what we can perceive is only 4%. We have discussed this many times before, but I want to discuss this again from a slightly different angle to make sure that everybody "gets it."

The question remains,
"why is the majority of the Universe dark?"
One answer is because programmed our DNA in such a way that we can't see 96% of what is there. This is correct but only a partial answer.

Imagine that you are standing in the middle of a room, and this room is pitch black - you can see absolutely nothing. A person beside you turns on a flashlight and directs it randomly to a spot in the room. Now you can see some furniture, but the rest of the room is still pitch black. The analogy thus far is equivalent to you seeing only 4% of the Universe (approximately 2% of the room).

The person beside you is now turning on a slightly more powerful flashlight and you can now see a few more pieces of furniture in the room, and you also see a few other things, such as plates and glasses on a dinner table. This is equivalent to 4% of the Universe, or the Universe seen through a telescope, we could say.

Next, the person beside you turns on the light switch, and the entire room is now lit up. Suddenly you can see everything there is in the room. You notice there are more things than just furniture, plates, and glasses! There are also books, a computer, and many other things that you didn't know existed in that room. We can pretend you hadn't even seen such things before.
This equates to 100% of the Universe.

Now, when the entire Universe is "lit up," you realize that there is no darkness - everything is light in different nuances! You also realize that you have been deprived of 96% of this light; therefore, 96% of the information that is carried across the electromagnetic spectrum in the form of waves.
You notice that the Universe is fluid and you can create your own version of things as you please, or as much as your current abilities permit.

This is still a very simplified analogy and description of what to expect in a "full" Universe. This is about what most of us humans can grasp at this point, however, depending on how well our neurological system is developed.
When I explain that everything is now light instead of darkness, that too is symbolic and not exactly how it works. Just as the person in the middle of the pitch-dark room had never seen books or computers before, there are "things" across the electromagnetic spectrum that none of us has ever consciously perceived before - hence, there is no way for me to describe it.
The only way to find out is to experience things first-hand.
Stars, planets, galaxies, and other things we can perceive now are also real in a 100% universe - there is just more added to it. Also, imagine walking through a city in broad daylight with a blue sky above. The city is all lit up, and there are buildings everywhere. These building exist in the middle of the night as well, but are then only partly lit up. Even in daylight, however, there are brighter and darker parts, and I can imagine that this is also the case in the Universe.

With all this explained, the reader can see that the little light we can perceive in our 4% universe still carries information and is not to be disregarded.
With more light and less darkness, we just add more information and knowledge to it.